so very lovely

Posted 2008. 5. 16. 13:53

사용자 삽입 이미지

a year passed by just like that. feels like it was just yesterday that i spent days there, but its one year anniversary is already coming around. teens seemed forever. then my old man told me that twenties would go by faster, thirties even faster. and it would accelerate as you get older. the lists of impossible desires, they were 4 years apart from each other. how very interesting and how very lovely those times that will not return are. how sweet the taste of 여유 and the hopeful days were. how you want to cherish that moment that just flies.

.......let’s be frank. time is not your friend. in fact it never was your friend. the world doesn't wait for you. it's an epiphany that you'd gain when you find yourself that you are no longer happy about your school being closed for some reason. when you are reminded of your so called colleagues/rivals in the real world, your lucky break doesn't seem so sweet anymore. if you are reading this and say “well as long as you don't lose your pace, it's okay,” and you are my age, i'll call you a liar. b'c it's so damn hard to have such ‘중용’ mentality to begin with and harder, to maintain it. we can dream. but the moment that you wanna just dwell in it, a big bad wolf called 'reality' will bite you right back in your butt. humans are made to seek something higher and want more. it’s just our nature that it wouldn’t change. doesn’t matter for what, you all want something. Ah...Why the hell is today so hard to live in. why the hell the drama never ends. u know the most encouraging thing that I found out today was this comment – it o-n-l-y gets harder. and it’s from someone that I deeply admire. plus, this is not even the first time that I heard this. Encouraging. Really. Encouraging. Now, don’t get me wrong. i’m usually very easily amused, quite positive, and pleasant to be around. even forgetful. but again. Watch. it’s gonna tap on your shoulder. it’s the world. And it’ll speak to you: “Hey, wats up. I don’t know we’ve met. But um..I’m the fucking world. And you’re gonna Crryyyy *dc*” So what to do? U deal with it. You just have to. Don’t know how?
OH- trust me, u’ll learn. Haha, u’ll acquire all the skills to sureffingvive. 닥치면 한다 is such a 명언. it's be your motto. Chitty as it is, it seems like it’d never end. It won’t. it’s ok though. some people seem luckier in some aspects? trust the fact that they have a pool of chits on other part of their lives. So really. it’s okay. U’ll be fine. Someday you might even shine. it's just one of those days. yeah. yeah.


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